Since ocean home owners are exposed to the impact of extreme weather and rising sea levels more than any other home owners, it’s no wonder that the recent panel discussion on “Behind the Scenes of Resilient Design—Creating Homes for a Coastal Environment” that was moderated by Ocean Home magazine editor Bill Springer and Northshore magazine editor Nancy Berry sold out recently.
The panel was led by John MacDonald, Principal, Morehouse, MacDonald & Associates and included: custom home builder Kevin Lagassé (Executive Vice President, The Lagasse Group), landscape architect Troy Sober (Principal/Studio Director, Gregory Lombardi Design), architectural woodwork expert Gary Rousseau, (Executive Vice President, Herrick & White), luxury real estate expert Amy Mizner, (Principal, Benoit Mizner & Simon), and Interior Designer Elizabeth Cameron, (Elizabeth Cameron Interiors) answered a wide variety of questions from the packed hall.
And since the Boston Symphony Orchestra’s Higginson Hall was the venue for Boston Design Week’s Signature Event for the Fenway District, guests were treated to a private tour of Boston’s famous concert hall after the event as well.